
No Headline

We have said enough perhaps about the Bolles memorial fund, yet at the risk of being wearisome we must add one word more. It is pretty evident that so far as this fund is known it is favored, but we have the feeling that the machinery for making it better known and for collecting the subscriptions is running but imperfectly. To remedy this difficulty, a circular will be issued in a day or two to graduates of the college in the last seven or eight years, inviting them to subscribe, and collectors will be sent around among the students that each man may have an opportunity of subscribing. At the same time a perfectly definite statement of the use to which the fund shall be put and of the persons who shall administer it, will be published. This, it is hoped, will bring the matter down from the air and put it on a firm business basis. We emphasize again the fact that men are not urged to give subscriptions; they are simply furnished with the opportunity. If sums of money come to us each day we shall publish an account each day, telling how the fund stands; otherwise, as we have promised before, we shall publish this account every few days. As a last word we ask the students to consider this matter and to make it better known; when it is better known we have no fear of any lack of generous subscriptions.
