The list of college publications is very large and many of them are not high enough in character to deserve especial mention. The following list, however, contains all the best known of the papers published by college students in this country.
Seven are issued daily. The Yale News is of about the same size as the CRIMSON and is arranged in much the same manner. It has four pages, the first given entirely to reading matter, the editorials on the second page; a column known as the "Yale Log," corresponding to the "Fact and Rumor" column on the third page, and the last page given entirely to advertisements. The Daily Princetonian, Brown Herald, Cornell Daily Sun, U. of M. Daily, the Daily Cardinal, published at the University of Wisconsin, and the Palo Alto, published at the Stanford University, are all four-page dailies, very similar in arrangement to the CRIMSON and Yale News.
The University of Pennsylvania has no daily, but the publication of a semiweekly publication, "The Pennsylvanian," has recently been renewed.
Two papers deserve mention, though edited by students of preparatory schools. They are the Exonian, at Exeter, and the Phillipian, at Andover. These are also four paged and, except that a part of the fourth page is given to reading matter, are like the college dailies. They are issued twice a week.
Quita a large number of papers are published weekly. The Yale Alumni Weekly is a four page paper which is really a weekly edition of the Yale News. All four pages are devoted to reading matter connected with Yale, and of especial interest to graduates. The students at the University of Pennsylvania, publish a weekly of about thirteen or fourteen pages of reading matter, called the University Courier. These are not entirely devoted to college news, but have in addition some literary articles. The Amherst Student of eight pages is given entirely to news and reviews. The Tech, published at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a weekly newspaper with ten pages of reading matter.
In the papers named below, the number of pages refer to reading matter only. The Cornell Era is a twelve page newspaper and literary magazine edited by students elected from the junior and senior classes. Williams publishes a ten page weekly newspaper. The University of Chicago Weekly is a large eight page newspaper. The students at Brown edit the Brunonian, a paper of eleven pages which is to some extent given up to fiction. The Lehigh Burr of nine pages is almost wholly fiction. Iowa College publishes a weekly, known as the Unit, containing about eight pages usually devoted simply to news; occasionally, however, a literary number is published.
Eight papers are issued fortnightly. The Yale Courant is composed of twelve pages of fiction and verse. The Yale Record is a humorous publication of about none pages. The Red and Blue, published at the University of Pennsylvania, is a fourteen page literary paper. The Columbia Spectator has some seventeen pages of news, fiction and humor. The Bowdoin students publish the Orient, a literary magazine and newspaper of fourteen pages. The Dartmouth contains fourteen pages of college news, edited from the senior class. The Wesleyan Argus has about twelve pages divided into fiction and news, and is edited by members of the junior and senior classes. The Lafayette, published at Lafayette College in Pennsylvania, is a fourteen page paper of news and fiction.
Read more in News
At Yale, Unions Sticking Together