
Yale Athletic Rules.

Subject to the action of the university, Yale's captains, managers and athletic committee have adopted the following rules for eligibility to the crew, nine and track team:

(1) No professional athlete who has received pecuniary profit from athletics to be eligible.

(2) No student unless a candidate for a degree requiring at least two years' residence and eight hours of recitations or lectures a week.

(3) No student outside the scientific and academic freshman classes unless he has attended one full year.

(4) No student who has been dropped from his class until readmitted, or after one full calendar year.


(5) No student to be on a Yale team for more than four years, the time on a team of another college to be counted in the four years, but the year of probation, as provided in rule 3, to be excluded, and also any year lost by sickness.

The captains and managers have agreed to abide by these rules, and the committee has voted to recommend the adoption of substantially the same principles in the constitutions, subject to the action of the university during February, 1894.

It is to be noticed that these rules are practically identical with those adopted by Harvard, with one unimportant exception. Harvard allows specials to play after one year's residence, while the second of the above rules apparently debars specials at Yale altogether.
