$10 paid for the return of the overcoat taken from Sanders Theatre, Thursday evening, and no questions asked. 19 Matthews.
FOUND.- A fountain pen. Owner can obtain same by proving property and paying cost of this advertisement.
C. N. B., 422 Harvard St.NOTES in Fine Arts 6 on sale at
THURSTON'S.TUTORING in Chem. B; French A, 1a, 1b, and 2; German A. Approved tutor by the French Department.
CHAS. L. MIX '90, 3 Grays Hall, 7-8 p. m.95 4t
HISTORY 1.- Sections 1 and 2. The subject matter of this course from the Barbarian Invasions (375 A. D.). to the end of the French and German history will be reviewed this afternoon commencing at 2 o'clock in Room 9, Roberts Hall Building, 15 Brattle St. This review is intended for both divisions. Printed outlines and maps will be furnished, and the reading will be reviewed. Fee $3. Gentlemen will confer a favor by not opening accounts for reviews.
W. W. NOLEN.WE have a lot of 8x10 size photographs of the football game at Springfield, also a 11x14 of the U. P. vs. Harvard on Jarvis Field which we would like to dispose of. A liberal discount from regular prices will be given.
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Appleton Chapel.