
Harvard Cricket Club.

The prospects of the cricket eleven of next spring are bright, as not only have several members of last year's team returned to college, but many promising men also entered the University last fall.

Among the men who played in games last spring the following have returned to college: P. H. Clark '96 (capt), P. Curtis '95, E. R. Matthews '96, E. S. Townsend, 2 L. S., E. H. Pool '95, H. Edwards '96, N. Bent '95, J. S. Adams '95, R. C. S. Kaulbach, 3 L. S. Most prominent among the new candidates are E. H. Wells '97, who played on the B. A. A. eleven last year, A. P. Meade '97, and E. Dupont, Jr., '97, both of whom have played at St. Pauls School, and F. Whitall '94, who was a member of the Haverford college eleven last spring.

Several games have been arranged, the first of which will be played soon after the Easter recess. Later in the season the eleven will go to Philadelphia, where they will play the elevens of Haverford College and the University of Pennsylvania on the grounds of the Merion Cricket Club.

The following is the report of the expenses and receipts of the club for last year:



Balance brought forward, $95

Memberships, 382,44

Gate receipts, 3.00

Total, 386.39


Expenses of games, $229.26

Outfits, 60.09

Care of grounds, 13.00

Printing, 32.30

Coach, 40.00

Sundries, 10.80

Total, 385.45

Balance transferred to Graduate Treasurer, 94

