
Fact and Rumor.

The Boston league nine has arranged two games with the Yale 'varsity team.

S. P. Read '85, has been appointed U. S. Consul to one of the most important ports in China.

The senior class at Brown has decided to wear caps and gowns from the spring recess until commencement day.

Professor Shaler, Professor Putnam and Dr. Sargent are among the special lecturers at the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences.

Brown and the University of Pennsylvania have arranged a series of baseball games. Two will be played at Brown this season and two at Philadelphia next year.


William L. Wilson, author of the tariff bill now before Congress, will address the Kent Club, the debating society of Yale, during the winter term on some topic selected by himself, probably a theme incidental to tariff legislation. The date is not yet decided, but it will probably be during March.
