A second meeting of the Oxford Club was held at the Epworth Church last evening, and the organization completed. A constitution and by-laws were adopted, and the following officers elected: President, E. E. Proper, Gr.; vicepresident, K. Robson, Gr.; secretary, F. S. Dunn '94; treasurer, G. I. Clapp '95. The executive committee includes the pastor of the church, Rev. F. S. Rice, with the president and secretary, and four other members, J. Bigham, Gr.; E. C. Morris, Gr.; G. G. McCurdy, Gr., and E. I. Manley, Gr. Eighteen men were present, who become charter members.
The organization is essentially the same as the old Oxford Club that has now been out of existence for two years. The object of the club is the religious and social welfare of men of Methodist affiliations in the University. The reorganization was suggested by Bishop Vincent when he was here in December. Meetings will be held on the second Thursday of every month, and some entertainment will be provided for each occasion by the executive committee. Last night Rev. F. S. Rice gave an interesting address on "Life in the Epworth Rectory."
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