
Harvard-Yale Debate.

The intercollegiate debate will take place this evening at 8 o'clock in Sanders Theatre. Doors will open at 7.15. The seats are all sold with the exception of fifty in the second balcony, which will remain on sale today. No tickets will be sold at the hall and no standing room tickets will be issued. The public will not be admitted at 8 o'clock, for the reason that the seats are so nearly all occupied. Nobody, then, will be admitted without a ticket. The question, "Resolved, That independent action in politics is preferable to party allegiance," will be debated in the affirmative by Yale, in the negative by Harvard. The men will speak in the following order: J. W. Peddie, Yale L. S.; H. L. Prescott, Harvard '94; W. H. Cox, Yale L. S.; A. S. Apsey, Harvard L. S.; W. H. Clark, Yale '96; A. S. Hayes, Harvard L. S. The speeches will be fifteen minutes apiece. Each side reserves five minutes for rebuttal to close the debate.

Col. Thomas Wentworth Higginson will preside. The judges are Professor E. J. James, University of Pennsylvania; Hon. Carl Schurz, New York; Gen. Francis A. Walker, President of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After the debate there will be an informal dinner at the Colonial Club to which the judges, speakers, and several men in college who are prominent in debate have been invited.

Every arrangement has been made and the present debate bids fair to be the most successful ever held in Cambridge.

The ushers have been appointed as follows: H. A. Bull '95, A. L. Endicott '94, B. G. Waters '94, C. T. Bond '94, M. Newell '94, R. Soutter '94, P. H. de Mauriac '94, H. C. Quinby '94, E. C. Bradlee '94, A. Coonley '94, N. P. Dodge '95, P. Washburn '95, E. G. Merrill '95, D. Tiffany '95, W. M. Briggs '95, W. K. Brice '95, R. W. Neff '95, J. S. Coonley '95, T. F. Allen '95, J. M. Washburn '95, C. E. Bryan '96, A. W. White, Sp., F. H. Smith '96, C. Dickinson '96, W. Munro '96, R. G. Valentine '96, R. K. Fox '96, A. H. Howland '96, S. H. Foster, L. S.
