
Petition of the Annex Alumnae.

Another objection has been made to the recent action of the Annex in regard to securing power to confer degrees in arts and sciences, under the name of Radcliffe College. It has taken the form of a petition which has been sent for signatures to members of the Alumnae Association. The petition states that the members of the association believe that the proposed incorporation of the Society for the Collegiate Instruction of Women, under the name of Radcliffe College departs from the original purpose of the society, which they believe to be

First.- To accumulate a fund sufficient to make your society self-supporting.

Second.- To offer this fund when sufficient to Harvard University on condition that Harvard University provide instruction for such women as had passed the entrance examinations required for men, confer its own degrees upon them, and treat them in all respects as a department of the University.

Third.- To persist in this policy as long as need be until, with the changing attitude of the public in regard to the education of women, Harvard should be willing to acceed to your request.

The remainder of the petition states in substance that those who support it wish to have no change in the nature of the Annex until it may be incorporated as a department of Harvard University, and that they much prefer to receive the certificate now given until such a time shall come, no matter how far distant.

