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We have heard from good authority that the freshmen are not giving sufficient attention to their crew to bring it into line as a probable or even possible winner in the class races or in the contest on the Thames. The trouble is not with the spirit of the men who are now working for the crew; they are doing as good work as can be expected. The difficulty is that a good many men who might well try for the crew and who might, moreover, materially strengthen it, are not trying now and have no intention of doing so. Some of these men have been personally appealed to by Captain Davis and have promised him that they would work for the crew; they have therefore not only been indifferent to class interests but have broken their promises. This indifference will prove an invincible barrier to the crew if it is allowed to gain a general hold on the class. We would suggest that the football men especially take more interest in the crew; there is need of stronger men and the need grows greater and greater from day to day.
