The communication in this morning's paper suggesting that Mr. Henry Irving be invited to speak in Sanders Theatre at some time during his stay in Boston seems to us an excellent one. There is always something interesting in the personality of such a man and the interest of his mere presence is almost always borne out by the manner and substance of his speech. There are many things which the students would like very much to know concerning the art of acting and the various methods used in connection with the stage. Moreover, Mr. Irving has a generous fund of personal experience from which he can draw to illustrate and emphasize whatever points he may care to make. We would suggest that the writers of the communication take the matter in hand and proceed with arrangements. It would be well to have the invitation come rather from the students than from the college authorities, though their sanction and endorsement should be secured. Somebody must head the movement and no one will take more interest in it than the men who have subgested it.
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H. A. A.