
The Andover House.

The Andover House of Boston, which in some respect has been one of the most widely known college settlements in the country, is entering upon its third year of life and work. Situated as it is, in one of the poorer sections of the city, its object has been to exert a healthy, uplifting influence in the community, as well by its simple existence as by the active, aggressive work which it undertakes, and to afford to the active members of the association an opportunity to study the social questions suggested by close contact with the lower classes.

The house is controlled by a council of which President William J. Tucker of Dartmouth is the chairman; but the active work is carried on by a number of resident members. The latter are college graduates, who intend to make a special study of the best methods of work among the lower classes. They are four in number this year, two Amherst men and two Harvard men, W. A. Clark ' 93, and H. G. Pearson '93.

The work of the house has been along a large number of lines. The members endeavor, in a natural and unpretentious way, to become acquainted with the families of the neighborhood and, after having gained their sympathy and respect, to be of use to them in any way practicable. Simple, social entertainments are sometimes provided, and good books, and methods of profitable amusement at home are suggested. The members also seek the confidence of workingmen and come in contact with their organizations.

One of the most important parts of the work of the Andover House is that which is done in cooperation with other organizations in the city. The Denison House, which is a woman's college settlement, and the Andover House, besides giving mutual help in many smaller matters, organized public conferences which have been addressed by prominent men. The most successful result of the combined efforts of the two associations was the South End Free Art Exhibition which was composed of paintings and other works of art, freely loaned from the best private galleries in Boston.

The Andover House has done little in the way of distinctly educational work. The evening schools of Boston are very well organized, and Mr. Clark has compiled a "Guide to Evening Classes," which has brought them all into a sort of university system. There is a debating club for young men which meets at the house, and also a literary society called the Emerson Club, composed of about sixty members, which is addressed from time to time by different persons, on subjects of literature, science and art. There are also, during the winter, boys' and girls' clubs which are under the care of the resident members or their associates.


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