
Funeral of Mr. Bolles.

The funeral services held in Appleton Chapel in memory of Frank Bolles were simple and impressive. The chapel was filled with Cambridge friends, members of the faculty, and students, all of whom rose and remained standing as Professor Peabody and Rev. Charles M. Addison, and intimate friend of Mr. Bolles, lead the procession into the church. After the choir had sung "Abide With Me," Professor Peabody read from the Scriptures. Words more fitting and suggestive on the occasion could scarcely have been selected: "He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; he restoreth my soul." "Ask of the beasts and of the birds and of the fishes and they shall tell thee." "I was eyes to the blind, and feet was I to the lame. I was a father to the poor and the causes which I knew not I searched out."

Rev. Mr. Addison then read a few words and offered a prayer. A solo by Master Willie Macdonald, and again the audience rose as the choir sung "Hark, Hark my Soul," and the procession moved slowly down the aisle. Then with the deep harmonies of Beethoven's funeral march, the people went quietly away, having paid the last tribute to the man whom so many had found a friend.
