

By request the following letter is published. It will explain itself:

CAMBRIDGE, January 13, 1894.

Mr. Maurice J. Connor, Harvard University:

DEAR SIR:- I beg to say I have made the fullest investigation of the facts concerning two checks for $20 and $50 respectively which were handed me in payment for tickets to the Yale and Harvard and University of Pennsylvania and Harvard football games of 1893, which checks turned out to be forged. I am entirely convinced that you are utterly without knowledge of or connection with the forgery or fraudulent transaction in any way, or in any way uttering or publishing said forged checks, and the circumstances which led me to charge you with complicity in the matter have been fully and satisfactorily explained. I extremely regret that the action which I took in placing the facts before Judge Almy and his issuing a warrant against you have caused you annoyance and trouble, and as I am convinced from your previous record as from your conduct in this matter that you are thoroughly a gentleman, I offer in reparation the apology which is your due.

HERBERT H. WHITE. Manager Harvard Athletics.

