The Weld Boat Club has a membership of 120.
There are about 12,000 students in the scientific schools of this country.
Eight of last year's University of Pennsylvania nine are in college this year.
F. E. Barry has been appointed temporary leader of the Freshman Mandolin Club.
The Cercle Francais realized over $140 by the recent productions of its annual French Play.
New chemical and physical laboratories have just been completed at the Chicago University.
Charles S. Mackenzie '94 has been elected captain of the Princeton baseball nine for the coming season.
Henry Drisler, who has been professor of Greek at Columbia College for the last fifty years, has just resigned his position.
At the recent trial of candidates for the Freshman Mandolin Club the following men were chosen for further trial: W. Read, R. B. Porter, W. B. Johnston, W. S. Hobart, G. Newgass, P. S. Straus, C. H. Hovey, R. L. Scaife, D. E. Mitchell, A. T. Carter. All other freshmen who play the guitar must see F. E. Barry '97, immediately.
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