
Special Notice.

DANCING CLASS.- Mrs. L. J. Chandler's Dancing Class, Tuesday, at 8 p. m. Odd Fellows' Hall, Cambridgeport. Private lessons. 1y

TUTORING and preparation for midyears. Latin, Greek, French, German, Spanish.

M. E. GILL '90, 36 Mt. Auburn St.94 12t

A FORMER instructor in Economics in Harvard is willing to assist a few students in Economics 1 who wish to do thorough work in the text of Mill. No mere coaching for examination, however, will be undertaken under any circumstances. Address, P. E., Box 2414, Boston, Mass. 74 tf

STUDENTS can obtain board at general tadle at $6.00 per week. 75 8t 126 Mt. Auburn street.


TUTORING in Semitic 12, Latin 10, Government and Law 1, History 1, 10, 11, 12, Philosophy 5.

W. W. NOLEN, 2 Manter Hall.78 tf

STUDENTS table for six or eight. Firstclass board at 81 3t 16 Prescott street.

THE Cambridge Safe Deposit and Trust Co., at No. 424 and 426 Harvard St., cor. of Linden, transacts a general banking business. Checks will be cashed on any Bank or Banking House in the U. S. and interest is allowed upon daily balances subject to check. Special attention given to accounts with officers and students of the University. Banking hours 8 to 2. Safety Vaults open from 8 a. m. to 2, and 5 to 6 p. m. tf

ECONOMICS 1.- A new edition of a Synopsis of Mill's Principles of Political Economy, revised to date. This book of about one hundred pages contains the main working principles of the larger text books of over one thousand pages It is of inestimable aid to the student in preparing for the weekly written questions and will save hours of study in preparation for the mid-year and flnal examinations.

EDW. W. WHEELER, 418 Harvard St., Cambridge, Mass.3t

DURING January Messrs. L. P. Hollander and Co., of 202 Boylston Street, and Park Square, will take orders in their tailoring department at greatly reduced prices, and offer great bargains in Ready-made Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Etc.
