There seems to be unusual interest in the Harvard-Yale debate this year. The committee on arrangements are receiving many enquiries from outside parties relative to the speaking, the judges, and to the sale of tickets. In spite of the fact that a merely nominal admission fee will be charged, there is good prospect of a full house.
As has already been announced, the debate will take place one week from tonight, January 19, at 8 o'clock, in Sanders Theatre. The question, "Resolved, That independent action in politics is preferable to party allegiance," will be debated in the affirmative by Walter Hayden Clark '95, William Henry Cox, L. S., and John Wayland Peddie, L. S., from Yale; in the negative by Albert Stokes Apsey, L. S., Alfred Samuel Hayes, L. S., and Henry Lee Prescott '94, from Harvard. Each speaker will be limited strictly to fifteen minutes. The merits of the debate will be judged by General Francis A. Walker, President of the M. I. T., Hon. Carl Schurz of New York, and Professor E. J. James of the University of Pennsylvania.
There will be, as there was last year, a delegation from Wellesley and another from Radcliffe College. After the debate it is hoped to have a very small banquet to the Yale speakers, the officers of the two debating societies, and others prominent in speaking at Harvard. The most encouraging feature of the debate is that members of the University are coming to regard the debate as an important intercollegiate affair.
For the first time in the history of debates at Harvard, a nominal admission fee of 25 cents will be charged. This is in order to have room for all who really care to hear the debate, besides being the best solution of the problem of expenses. It is in no sense a money making scheme. Tickets will go on sale tonight at six o'clock at Thurston's. Every seat will sell for 25 cents. There will be no general admission. Each seat will have its ticket, and seats will be reserved until after the debate begins. Anybody, whether in the University or not, is entitled to purchase. As many have already applied for seats, it would be advisable to apply early, as the first to come will be the first served.
No special invitations will be sent to members of the faculty, but any member who cares to go will be given two complimentary tickets by applying by letter to F. C. Thwaits, 24 Walter Hastings, H. C. Metcalf, 37 Grays, or H. C. Lakin, 30 Stoughton. The tickets are not sent out to the faculty beforehand because it is desired to find an actual occupant for every seat.
Tickets will be left on sale until early next week.
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