

ZOOLOGY I.- Meeting on Saturday at 10 a. m., lecture room, 5th floor Zoological Museum.

C. B. DAVENPORT.FOXCROFT CLUB.- Men who have signed at the Foxcroft Club are requested to report at once. No places will be reserved after Monday, Oct. 2.

CHARLES A. KOFOID, Secretary.'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal Monday afternoon at 4.30 of all men on club last spring. Very important concert Monday night.

C. MORGAN, Sec.The following men will please act as ushers at the game today: P. Gardner, W. A. D. Short, L. Davis, H. A. Cutler, S. B. McNear, F. Davis, M. Johnston, R. D. Wrenn, A. C. Potter, E. R. Mathews, G. Wrenn, N. H White. Be at the Cary building at 2 o'clock.

D. W. LANE.HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- There will be trials of candidates for the 'varsity glee club next week at time and place to be announced later. Each candidate will be expected to bring a song.


C. MORGAN, Sec.FOUND.- In the College Library, notes and text books. Apply at delivery desk.

VOLUNTEER Courses in Vocal Training, Vocal Expression and Speaking will be given on Tuesdays and Thursdays, open to students of the College, the Law School or other departments of the University. Courses may be arranged for one, two or three hours a week, for the fall term or the entire year. Assistance will be given to individuals as in former years. Those desiring appointments for class or individual instruction are requested to call at Holden Chapel, as early as possible Tuesdays, 9 to 5, or Thursdays, 2.30 to 5.

S. S. CURRY.2 t10
