Everything about us this year favors and justifies the second, the typical college mood. There is no reason now why any man should see a dark cloud over the University, no matter how many he may fancy about himself. Last spring brought us victory in baseball and a creditable record in rowing and general athletics. While this was going on the authorities and friends of the University were making plans for enlarging the equipment of buildings and teachers and increasing thus the usefulness of the institution. We see the outcome of their efforts in the new buildings which are actually in process of erection and in the progress of the funds for those not yet started. Again in athletics a large number of football candidates have spent several weeks this summer laying the foundation for earnest, thorough work in the fall. Now that college is open the number of candidates is larger and the work still more interesting and exciting. Moreover, we have good coachers, the great key to Yale's success. The year then, must look cheerful at its beginning. But this is not enough. It is a habit with years and especially Harvard years, to open with many cheerful prospects and then to prove bitterly blue and sad at the end. It may be bold, but we venture the suggestion that if every man in this University made up his mind to keep himself and his friends cheerful for the whole year, to be silent about things which he did not understand and to give the team captains credit for right motives and sound judgment we should see a year successful in every way. The CRIMSON cordially welcomes every man and only suggests that we shall be much better friends to each other and to Harvard if we force ourselves to cheer rather than find fault with our representatives, to build rather than destroy, and to remain each man in his own place.
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Jarvis Tennis Courts in Order.