
Announcements Concerning Courses.

All requests for permission to take elective courses requiring "attendance at more than three lectures or recitations in those courses on any one day of the week" must be made in writing. Since the requests cannot be answered until after registration-day, students may regard them as granted provisionally.

Mr. S. S. Curry will be in Holden Chapel to meet students who desire to take any of his courses in vocal training, vocal expression and speaking, on Thursday afternoon, from 2 to 6 o'clock, and on Tuesday from 9 to 5. Students in all departments of the University who desire to receive instruction under Mr. Curry, may consult him at the above hours.

History 13 will be conducted by Mr. Conant during Professor Hart's absence.

Seniors who have taken English C this year will find their forensics in Sever 10 on the table. All not taken by Saturday night will be destroyed.

Mr. C. T. Copeland, instructor in English, and lecturer on English Literature, will be at home in 24 Gray's Hall, Wednesdays from 3 to 4.30 o'clock, and from 8 to 9. He will hold voluntary classes in reading and speaking Monday and Friday 10 to 12, Thursday and Friday 2.30 to 4.30 (room to be announced later) beginning October 5th.


Conferences in English A will be on Tuesdays 2.30 to 4.30 in Sever 1.

English 111 and 112 will be given on Monday, Wednesday and Fridday, at 10 o'clock-not at the hours announced in the elective pamphlets. These courses have been transferred to Group II.

It is expected that a course in the leading principles of common law will be established, to be given by Mr. Conant on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 1.30 or 3.30.

Students desiring to take such a course are advised to consult Mr. Conant, who will be at Harvard 2 for that purpose this morning from 9 to 12 o'clock.

Mr. Hayes will be in 6 Harvard Hall from 9 to 1 today to meet students who will take English X, and those who care to join the voluntary classes in Elocution. On Friday, Saturday and Monday, Mr. Hayes will meet students in Holden Chapel from 10 to 1.

For the present year, 1893-'94, Economics 122 will be given in the first half-year, and 121 in the second.
