
Yale Senior Statistics.

The statistics of the senior class at Yale present some interesting facts. The class numbers 185, forty-six coming from New York, thirty from Connecticut, twelve from Massachusetts and the rest scattering. Twenty-four members fitted in Andover, fourteen at St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H.; eleven in the Hartford High School and eight in the New Haven High School. Sixty-nine of the class smoke. One hundred and eight are church members, their denominations being as follows: Congregational, forty-three; Presbyterian, twenty-six; Episcopal, sixteen; Baptist, thirteen; Roman Catholic, nine; Methodist, three; Dutch Reformed, one. The class votes against a continuance of the present system of compulsory chapel. In athletics the class crew did the most phenomenal work of any branch, winning the class championship three years in succession and making the best record over the two mile course at Lake Whitney ever made. Twelve of the class have paid all their expenses through college.

Of the 185 members of the class, 100 are Republicans, thirty-three Democrats, six Mugwumps, four Independents and one Prohibition. Fifty-four of the class will study law, eleven medicine, six enter the ministry, eleven teach and thirty two go into business. The oldest member of the class is twenty-eight years of age and the youngest nineteen; eighteen are over twenty five, and twenty-one are minors. The average weight of the class is 132 4 pounds, and the average height five feet and eight inches. The average expenses of the course are given for their respective years as follows: freshman, $939; sophomore, $1,041; junior, $1,115; senior, $1,215. The highest amount expended in any year was $4,700; the lowest $200.
