
Yale Game Postponed.

On account of the storm yesterday the Harvard - Yale base ball game which was to have been played at 3 o'clock was postponed until Saturday afternoon at 2.30. Although it had rained during all the morning, the managers of the teams in their conference at the Vendome failed to come to a decision about postponement. The Yale manager hoped it might be possible to play the game after all, and decided that Yale's answer would not be given until the team reached Cambridge. About two o'clock the men arrived ready to play but it was raining so hard that a game was not to be considered. Yale at first wished to have the game played today, but this was of course out of the question. After a good deal of discussion the game was finally postponed until Saturday on condition that Harvard should pay the additional expenses incurred by the Yale team. The hour of the game was changed to 2.30 so that the Yale team might reach New Haven Saturday evening. All the tickets now in the hands of purchasers will be good Saturday.
