
Special Notice.

FOR SALE. - An almost new, large upright Hallet & Davis piano. Very cheap. Address H. I. K., 32 Read's.


BOOKS PACKED. - No man living knows how to handle a book as well as the man who binds it. Therefore, if you wish your books packed with care, employ McNamee the bookbinder, whose shop is opposite the College Library. Terms very reasonable.

DANCING CLASS. - Mrs. L. J. Chandler's Dancing Class Tuesday, Oct. 4. at 8 P.M. Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport. Private lessons.

1y.HOUGHTON, Mifflin & Co., 4 Park street, Boston, are desirous of corresponding with college men who like employment during the summer.



109 ELLERY ST. - Very pleasantly furnished, sunny rooms to let for Class Day, and Commencement. Also for summer and for next year.

FOR SALE OR TO LET. - Sloop Yacht La Reine, good cabin accommodations with cooking utensils, charts, lights, compass, tender and oars, everything complete and ready for cruising. Mooring off Boston Yacht Club, So. Boston, and landing at Hutching's. Apply to T. A. MacDonald by mail, 123 Oliver street, Boston, or at Hutching's wharf, Sixth st. City point.

HOTEL SORRENTO, SORRENTO, ME. - First class in every respect - has a beautiful location, on Frenchman's Bay, seven miles from Bar Harbor.


CHARLES V. CARTER, Mang.Illustrated pamphlet and terms of,

C. S. HAWES,53, Weld Hall.


OUR store will be closed Thursday from 2 to 5 p.m.

