ENGLISH C. - Seniors who have taken the course this year may get their forensics in Sever 10 on Tuesday, June 20, 3-6, or on Wednesday, June 21, 9 12.
G. P. BAKER.NOTICE. - In a few days some young men connected with the college will canvass the dormitories for the purpose of collecting cast off clothing. These garments are intended for use in Boston for charity purposes. It is hoped that this work will enlist the sympathies of the students, and that the canvassers will be well received.
Students not rooming in the dormitories, who would like to contribute to this object, will confer a favor by dropping a card, or leaving their contribution at 22 Hollis.
SECOND NINE. - The following men be on Jarvis at 3 p. m.: Lowell, Whittemore, Clarke, Linfield, McCarthy, Gonterman, Hayes, Clark, O'Malley, Harding. Game with Lovells, Wednesday.
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