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THE point raised by a writer in today's CRIMSON in regard to removing the cap in such places as Appleton Chapel and Sanders Theatre is well worth noticing. We have here at Harvard adopted the classic cap and gown as an appropriate garb for the graduating class. It is, then, only consistent to include the etiquette which governs its use in those institutions where it owes its origin. The custom here is so new that we need not feel bound to continue in the lines followed by other classes. A simple word of direction from the Class Day Committee will set things right; and this word is, we think, well justified in view of the precedent which suggests it.

This month marks the twenty first anniversary of the establishment of the Yale Record, the papers at Yale corresponding to the Harvard Lampoon.

In the faculty baseball game at Phillips Andover the married men won from the single men by a score of 24 to 19. The game cleared $150 for the Athletic Association.

The prize for the best entrance examinations to Columbia, - free tuition for the whole course, amounting to $600 - was won by Frank Hope Brooks of the Mt. Morris School.

Captain H. A. Mackey, of the University of Pennsylvania eleven, has announced that football practice will begin at Cape May about the middle of August, fully a month earlier than ever before.

