The notice which appeared in yesterday's CRIMSON concerning the collection of clothing for charitable purposes is worthy the attention of every serious minded man in college. The two men who are taking charge of the matter intend to live next year at Andover House and it is in connection with the work there that the clothing will be used. We men here in Cambridge are not over generous in our recognition of charity work nor over well posted in our knowledge of it. We can well stop for a moment to consider whether we may not be more worthy of our reputation for "breadth" if we do a little more for the sake of others and give away the things which we cannot use instead of selling them in petty selfishness. We are always looking for balloons and expecting earthquakes and our respect for things less prominent does not amount to much. Yet this quiet work by a few self-sacrificing men is exactly what is going to tell in the social problems of the day. The work of collecting the clothes will commence immediately and the collectors should find a hearty response from the students.
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