

THE following men be at Leavitt and Peirce's at 9.30 sharp to go to Longwood: Garrett, Kaulbach, Johnstone, Townsend, Curtis, Clark, Hughes, Adams, Sturgis, Bent, Edwards and Mathews.

E. H. POOL.INSTITUTE OF 1770. - The picture of the '95 Institute of 1770 will be taken in front of Sever Hall this morning at 9 o'clock sharp. All please be present.

ALL seniors who have not sat for their photographs and who wish to appear in the Harvard Portfolio, may have their pictures inserted by sending a recent photograph to the editor of the Harvard Portfolio, 3 Holyoke St., before Saturday, June 3.

HARVARD FENCING CLUB. - Club picture Friday June 2nd at 1.45 p. m. instead of Thursday.
