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AN important feature of Wednesday's game between Yale and Phillips Andover might be of great service to Harvard at the present time. It is that Yale was willing to travel from new Haven to Andover to play a "prep" school team. For several years it was customary for Harvard to play at least one game with Andover and Exeter. Of late, however, we seem to have departed from the precedent, and have substituted scrub nines wherever the weakness of the other team has been such as to give our 'varsity teams little practice.

In this we are losing sight of the main reason for games with these nines, which is to give them

what benefit they may get by playing with our teams, and to assure them of or interest in them. If there has been a falling off in the number of Andover and Exeter graduates who come to Harvard, is it not partially because we have seemed to be indifferent to their interests? It used to be the custom for our eleven to go to Exeter every year, and those who have been there know the influence it had upon the students. Lately all Exeter and Andover games have been played in Cambridge. There are obvious reasons why this is the more convenient arrangement; and yet we cannot but feel that Harvard, by this policy, is losing ground in these two important fitting schools. it would seem to be a wiser course to pout ourselves to a little trouble for the sake of creating at Exeter and Andover a stronger feeling in favor of Harvard.
