
Fact and Rumor.

Yesterday was Class Day at Tufts.

W. C. Camp, Yale '80, coached the Yale nine this week.

The average price per annum of rooms in Princeton's dormitories is $70.

The total amount of gifts received at Yale during the past year was $423,925.

Amherst is planning to have a dining hall to be run on the same system as Memorial.


The University of Pennsylvania has lost only eight of the twenty-nine games played this season.

Princeton now has nine dormitories possessing in all accommodations for about 850 students.

Johns Hopkins, Columbia and University of Michigan have discontinued the annual commencement.

A register for Yale men has been placed in the Liberal Arts building at the World's Fair, near the Yale exhibit.

Lang '96 the best catcher in Brown is said to-have been unable to make the position on the Andover team last year.
