A Princeton National Alumni Association was formed on Tuesday, the first of its sort ever attempted by any college. The object of the association is to create a representative body through which the alumni associations can unitedly act in all matters pertaining to the promotion of the interests of the University by means of the graduates.
HISTORY 12 Review. - The course will be reviewed in Manter 2 today as follows: English History from 1760 to 1837 at 2 p. m.; English History from 1837 and Continental History at 7.15 p. m. Fee for each review $4. Gentlemen will confer a favor by not opening accounts for reviews.
W. W. Nolen.LOST near corner of Waterhouse and Garden streets, a pair of gold bowed spectacles. Finder please return to Leavitt & Peirce's.
ARLINGTON Heights, Mass. Pleasant summer board. Some rooms still unengaged at the Warner House. Address
MRS. L. F. PERKINS.PHYSICS B. - Seminar, Sunday, June 18. at 2.30 p. m. Price $2.50. Also tutoring.
18 Hollis.LOST. - A steel-rod umbrella, finder please leave address at
Leavitt & Peirce's.BOOKS PACKED. - No man living knows how to handle a book as well as the man who binds it. Therefore, if you wish your books packed with care, employ McNamee the bookbinder, whose shop is opposite the College Library. Terms very reasonable.
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