
News from New London.

The CRIMSON will publish between now and Class Day two or three budgets of facts concerning the every day life of the crews at New London. These facts are kindly furnished by a member of the 'varsity crew. A letter was received yesterday which was mailed from New London Sunday night and which gives an idea of the course of events Saturday and Sunday. Following are the facts.

The crew reached New London Saturday at half past four. A light paper shell had been rigged up and left at the wharf; in this the men were to row to quarters. The launch was also waiting at the wharf to transfer the extra men and the baggage. Vail and Fearing went on the launch and their places 6 and 5 were filled respectively by Perkins and Blake. Richardson and Eddy met the crew at the float. They had gone up in the morning with the other boats. The water was very smooth and the day very hot. The quarters were in excellent condition. Mr. Young who catered for the crew last year will do the catering till the race is over. About 9.30 the Yale crew came up the river and saluted when they were opposite the quarters. The Harvard crew gave them a cheer which the Yale men returned. Every one retired at ten.

Sunday was pleasant with a strong wind blowing up stream. In the morning as the launch was backing out to go to New London the Yale launch came down the river. Harvard had a little start and kept the lead in the race which followed till the Yale launch broke down. Mr. Nickerson, the proctor, who is with the crew to look after the examinations is very popular with the men.


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