
Special Notice.

A large manufacturing house wishes a brainy young man for its office. Excellent chance for business training. The successful applicant must show capacity to develop into an exceptionably able business man. Address "Brains," P. O. Box 167, Boston, Mass.


HOUGHTON, Mifflin & Co., 4 Park street, Boston, are desirous of corresponding with college men who like employment during the summer.


THE DALZELL SCHOOL, 66 West Street Worcester, Mass., will be open after August 1 for private tutoring.


13 15 17 19 21

HISTORY 1 SEMINARS. - Maps and printed outlines. Part 1. Tuesday at 7.30 p. m. the Reformation, Netherlands, Thirty Years War, French History down to Louis XIV. Part II. Wednesday at 7 30 p. m. English History, Louis XIV and the geography.

C. E. WHITMORE JRRoom 9 Robert's Block,15 Brattle St.
