

HARVARD ELECTRIC CLUB. - Shingles now ready at Thurston's. Members please get theirs at once.

PHILLIPS BROOKS NUMBER OF THE MONTHLY. - Through an unfortunate mistake, some copies of the Memorial number of the Monthly did not contain the facsimile of Dr. Brooks' manuscript. Fac similes can be had by sending to 32 Hollis or by calling there between 9 and 10 Tuesday morning.

93t2'VARSITY GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal in front of Holworthy Tuesday at 7.15. All men please came.

C. MORGAN, Sec.ENGLISH 22. - The grades will be given out today from 1.30 to 2.30 in Lower Mass.

LEWIS E. GATESADVOCATE. - The picture of the board will be taken today at Pach's at 2 p.m. sharp.


CHARLES W. SHOPE,President.BOTANY 1. - In the examination today, members of the course are assigned to rooms as follows:

Sever 35 - Abbe to Lombard.

Sever 32 - Lowell to Peck.

Sever 24 - Pierce to Stackpole.

Sever 23 - Stevens to Woodman.

No blanks, manual or other books are needed in the examination.

HARVARD RELIGIOUS UNION. - Regular meeting in Holden chapel tonight at 7 o'clock. Prof. Royce will speak.
