

FORENSICS FOR 1891-92. - Seniors may get their forensics of last year in Sever 11 from 2 to 3 on Monday, June 12. Forensics not called for at that time will be destroyed. Seniors in English C. this year may get their forensics at a later day to be announced.

GEO. P. BAKER.FRENCH 1a. - Final examination - Ames to W. A. Butler in Lower Mass. Carney to Wonson in Upper Mass.

F. C. DE SUMICHRAST.BLUE BOOKS and laboratory books in Zool. 2 and 3 will be returned from the laboratory to-day (Saturday) between 9 and 10.

C. B. DAVENPORT.EXECUTIVE Committee H. A. A. Picture at Pach's Monday at 1.30.



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