
Fact and Rumor.

Wesleyan has adopted the system of government by a college senate consisting of ten students and five professors, who will consider all matters of college discipline as well as of general athletics.

The Deleware College hazers, who branded, their fellow student, have been realeased on promise of paying all doctor and lawyer bills incurred by the victims.

On Saturday the Harvard cricket eleven was defeated at Brockton.

Syracuse University has received $20,000 to found a lectureship in missions.

Howard of the Hartford High School won the Yale interscholastic tournament.


Highlands and Mason did some battery work on Holmes Field yesterday afternoon.

The Columbia College library has received 13,500 books during the last nine months.

Beginning October 1 '94, Columbia will lengthen her medical course from three years to four.

A criticism of Lowell's essay on "A Certain Condescension in Foreigners" is to be written for English A Saturday.

Only two men from each of the preparatory schools, were allowed to enter the Yale interscholastic tournament.

The Pennsylvanian, the paper of the University of Pennsylvania, now published twice a week, will probably be made a daily next fall.

Dr. William Seymour Tyler of Amherst college has resigned the professorship of Greek in that institution after an unbroken service of 57 years.

The annual spring sports of the Pennsylvania Intercollegiate Athletic Association will be held on Whittier field, at Swarthmore College, on May 20.

In the open handicap games at Princeton on Saturday, Hickok of Yale again broke his record in throwing the hammer, making 111 feet, 10 1-2 inches.

Chauncy M. Depew has declined to be a candidate for re-election as president of the Yale Alumni Association of New York, which office he has held for ten years.
