
English C.

The topics for the fifth forensic in English C are as follows:

1. Was chivalrous life, as represented in the Court Epics of the 12th and 13th centuries and in the Minne Song, lacking in the most essential elements of morality?

2. Was the ancient German in his ideal life nearer akin to the Greek than to the Roman?

3. Is Mohammedanism a sensual religion?

4. Are ethical principles and rules formed independently of religion?


5. Were most of the peasants of England serfs in the early part of the Anglo-Saxon period?

6. In Mammals and Birds a portion of the vertebral column known as the sacrum, although originally composed of separate bones, becomes anchylosed. Is this condition the result of mechanical action and reaction?

7. Is that labor alone productive which produces utilities fixed and embodied in material objects?

8. Is the Midsummer Night's Dream a rewriting of earlier plays of Shakespeare?

9. Is Titus Andronicus properly attributed to Shakespeare?

10. Was city life really more satisfactory to Pliny and Juvenal than the country life of their time?

11. Is "The peculiar note of Wordsworth's genius at its highest that of sublimity in tenderness"?

(Quoted from Swinburne's Miscellanies, p. 137.)

12. Can the formation of mountain chains be satisfactorily explained by the progressive refrigeration or the earth's interior alone?

13. Can we maintain the theory of three primary colors?
