The 'varsity scratch games will be held this afternoon at three o'clock. The events are the same as those in the Yale-Harvard games and two silver cups will be given in each event. The entries are as follows:
100 yards dash. E. S. Benedict '96, Emil Goldmark '94, W. F. Baker '93, Cecil Barret '96, G. L. Collins '96, Alfred Johnson, '95; A. A. Lefurgey, L. S.; C. S. Fuller '96, H. R. Storrs '96, P. W. Whittemore '95, W. L. Thompson '93, E. B. Bloss '94.
220 yards dash. A. E. Ullman '96, M. Green '96, G. L. Collins '93, Alfred Johnson '95, N. W. Bingham Jr., '95, H. R. Storrs '96, P. W. Whittemore '95, E. W. Pinkham M. S. S. M. Merrill '94.
440 yards dash. Leo Erdwurm L. S. S., C. E. Hutchinson '93, E. B. Hill '94, F. H. Bartlett '95, Louis Sayer '96, Chas Steward '96, S. M. Merrill '94, E. W. Pinkham. M. S.
880 yards run. C. G. Hubbell '93, Philip Richardson '96, H. Emerson '96, Chas. Steward '96, H. C. Lakin, '94, John Corbin Gr.
1 mile run. J. L. Coolidge '95, R. J. Fox '94, J. Bordman Jr. '94, J. W. Schereschewsky '95 A. Blake '93, J. O. Nichols L. S., D. W. Fenton '95.
100 yards hurdle. V. Munroe '96, Geo. D. Whitehead '96, E. F. Champney '96, Kenneth Brown '93, O. W. Shead '93.
220 yards hurdle. Geo. E. Whitehead '96, S. K. Fenollosa '95, E. K. Bowser '96, H. W. Jameson '95, G. L. Collins '96, Truman Abbe, '95, H. M. Wheelwright '94, W. F. Garcelon L. S.
1 mile walk. F. Johnson Jr., '95, A. L. Endicott '94, C. R. Bardeen '93, C. W. Norton '96.
2 mile bicycle race. F. S. Elliot '95, P. W. Davis '93, F. S. Pratt '94.
High jump. W. E. Putnam Jr'96, G. C. Chaney '94, E. H. Clarke '96, R. D. Farquhar '93, T. E. Sherwin '94.
Broad jump. R. D. Farquhar '93, Fred'k C. Hicks, B. J. Worman '95, O. W. Shead '93, E. B. Bloss '94.
Pole vault. W. E. Putnam Jr. '96, T. E. Sherwin '94, H. M. Wheelwright '94.
Hammer. C. H. McIntyre '96, G. C. Chaney '94. Ellerton James '95, W. Shea L. S., E. Cockrell '95.
Shot. R. Macallister '93, P. W. Whittemore '93. W. Shea L. S.
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