

'95 NINE. - All candidates must be out at 3 o'clock sharp today.


J. S. WADSWORTH.'VARSITY GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal tonight at 6.45 sharp.

C. MORGAN.PIERIAN SODALITY. - Rehearsal for strings only at 6.30 tonight, Sanders Theatre.

A. S. HYDE, Leader.SIGNET. - The '94 Signet picture will be taken at Pach's at 1.15 sharp, Thursday May 4.



CLASS DAY OFFICERS. - Caps and gowns are ready at the Cooperative. Please get them immediately.

Committee.H. A. A. Entries for the 'Varsity meeting on Saturday, May 6, may be made at the Gymnasium till Thursday at 6. A blue book is there for that purpose.

W. L. THOMPSON.FRESHMAN NINE. - Class game with '95. Be on Jarvis at 3 p. m. sharp.

J. J. HAYES, Jr.'95 NINE - The following men must be on Jarvis at 3 sharp to play '96. Rogers Dodge, Whittemore, Adams, Bigelow, McAdams, Stevenson; Worman, Bacon, Coonly, Reed and Walker.

J. S. WADSWORTH.CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION - Regular meeting this evening at 6.45. All members of the University are invited.

'95 SOLDIERS FIELD COLLECTORS - Will the following men please bring their books and money to 10 Holyoke House at 7.30 tonight: Tiffany, Fairbank, Murchie, Fuller, Spalding, White, Grew, Grinnell.

