
Cornell's New Scientific Building.

An important acquisition is soon to be made to the scientific department of Cornell by the gift of $50,000 from Hiram W. Sibley, Rochester, N. Y., for the erection of a new building. The structure will be 160 x 46 feet in dimension, and four stories high, with a well lighted basement. The first floor will be devoted to the museum, and the illustrative apparatus. There will be, besides, a large lecture-room and class-room. The second floor will be used largely for the department of Marine Engineering and Naval Architecture, and will contain two large draughting rooms, a lecture room and two offices. The third floor will contain two draughting rooms, and an office. It is estimated that the building will accommodate 400 students. The architectural work has been done by Professor C. Francis Osborn assistant Professor of Arcitecture in the University. Work will be begun upon the Sibley Building at once and it is expected that it will be ready for occupancy a year from next September.
