

'95 NINE. - All candidates must be out at 3 o'clock sharp today.

tf J. S. WADSWORTH.HARVARD ROWING CLUB. - Entries for the four oared race may be made till Wednesday evening May 3 at 25 Holyoke House. Entrance fee two dollars for each crew. Race will be Saturday May 6.



SIGNET. - The '94 Signet picture will be taken at Pach's at 1.15 sharp, Thursday May 4.



'94 NINE. - Game with English High School at 3.3. p. m. to-day.

J. B. LOWELL, Capt.CLASS DAY OFFICERS. - Caps and gowns are ready at the Cooperative. Please get them immediately.

Committee.B. A. R. - Important meeting at club-house 7.3. Wednesday. Initiation of new members. All must be present.

59t2 Secretary.TICKETS for the Yale-Harvard Games are now on sale at Leavitt & Peirce's, Cambridge, and at the B. A. A. and Clough & Shapley's, Boston. Reserved seats including admission $1.00.

CLASS RACES. - Tickets will be on sale on Wednesday morning at Leavitt & Peirce's and at Thurston's, both for the Referee's tug and for the Grand Stand.

'95 Nine. The following men must be on Jarvis at 12 o'clock: Bacon, Coonly, Adams, Whittemore, Rogers, Reed, Dodge, Walker. All candidates must be on Norton's at 3 sharp to play the Law School.

J. S. WADSWORTH.H. A. A. Those men who won places in the Inter-class games may obtain their prizes at Leavitt & Peirce's.

H. A. A. Entries for the 'Varsity meeting on Saturday, May 6, may be made at the Gymnasium till Thursday at 6. A blue book is there for that purpose.

W. L. THOMPSON.PIERIAN SODALITY. - Rehearsal at 6.3. tonight, for full orchestra.

A. S. HYDE, Leader.THE picture of the 'Varsity nine will be taken from the steps of the Carey building at half past three this afternoon, weather permitting.

MEETING of the Das Leppy Club tonight. (Wednesday.)

Per order of Secretary.
