
A New Dining Hall Petition.

Since the original petition for a new Dining Hall by the Directors of Memorial Hall was not approved by the Corporation and since that announced by the Secretary of the University for carrying on a new Dining Hall received but a few over three hundred signatures, it has seemed best to the Memorial Hall Directors to propose another plan for the consideration of the students.

The new petition runs as follows:

We, the undersigned, respectfully petition for a new Dining Hall to be conducted on the following general principles, and signify our desire to board there in case we cannot obtain seats at club tables at Memorial, and in case the Foxcroft club is discontinued:

1. The hall shall be occupied by an association of officers and students constituted much as the Memorial Hall Dining Association is constituted, with a President and Directors elected from the Association by a general vote of its members; a Steward and an Auditor appointed by the Presidents and Fellows, but removable by the Directors; and a 'scheme' of government satisfactory to the Corporation.

2. The "hall" shall consist of two separate rooms, one to be conducted on a strictly ala carte system, and the other on a strictly "memorial" system.


3. A number of tables in each division may be secured as club tables, the remainder to be general tables, and the relative numbers of each to be determined yearly by the board of Directors according to necessity.

F. E. FROTHINGHAM,A. L. ENDICOTT,R. E. DODGE.Under this arrangement men of all means can be accommodated. In the "Memorial" division men can board at four dollars a week, as at present. In the a la carte division men can make their board as inexpensive or expensive as they choose, and can take any number of meals per week according to convenience.

Men now at the general tables at Memorial are especially requested to consider this scheme, because if it is approved by the Corporation the number at Memorial will undoubtedly be limited to 750, or to club tables throughout. Further than this the petition sufficiently explains itself.

Copies of the petition will be placed for signatures at Memorial, Foxcroft and Leavitt & Peirce's.
