
Student Conference.

The annual World's Student Conferences will be held as usual this year at Northfield Mass. July 1st to 12th and at Lake Geneva Wis. June 23rd to July 2nd, this latter meeting being principally for western students although any men who go there will have a good chance to visit the World's Fair as Lake Geneva is only two hours ride from Chicago. Many prominent men have been secured to lecture among whom are Professor Drummond, Rev. Henry Van Dyke, of New York, formerly one of the Harvard Preachers; Professor M. W. Jacobus, of Hartford Theological Seminary Rev. H. P. Beach, of the School for Christian Workers; Professor George T. Purves, of Princeton: Rev. W. H. P. Faunce, of New York; Hon W. C. P. Breckinridge, Kentucky, who will speak at Northfield. The speakers at Lake Geneva will be Rev. John A. Broadus, of Lousiville, Ky.; Charles H. Potter, of Cleveland; S. M. Sayford, of Newton Mass; Professor Graham Taylor of Chicago Theological Seminary; President George S. Burroughs, of Wabash College, and Thomas Cochran, of St. Paul, who will preside.
