THE Mott Haven team should receive a rousing send off this morning. The hour at which the car leaves the square is inconvenient, but for this very reason every one should made a special effort to be on hand. There is no other team which has brought so many victories to Harvard. Our success in this line of athletics has been most gratifying, and the team deserves the heartiest support of the university. Last year it rained and the crowd to cheer the men was small. This year we want it to be different. We need an enthusiastic expression of interest and confidence from the university at large to show the Mott Haven team that we appreciate what it has done for the college.
As to the success of the games, we all feel very hopeful, although realizing the uncertainties of such contests. The men have trained faithfully and are in excellent condition. Captain Thompson and Mr. Lathrop have done their utmost and a forerunner of their success was seen in the games with Yale. The CRIMSON extends to them its heartiest good wishes, a feeling which the whole university must share.
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The Canoe Club Regatta.