HARVARD ROWING CLUB. - There will be a meeting of the officers and governing board of the Rowing Club at 1.30 p. m., Tuesday at 26 Holyoke House.
W. R. PEABODY, Sec.HARVARD ROWING CLUB. - There will be a meeting of all candidates for the four oars, double and single sculls for the race with the B. A. A. and Union Boat Club in the boat-house at 4 p. m. sharp.
ON Thursday, June 1, the class groups will be made at the rear of Memorial. The senior class at 1.15 p. m., the freshman-class at 1.45 p. m.
THE Zoological Club will meet Tuesday, May 23, at 6.30 p. m. in room fourth floor of the Museum. There will be communications upon the following subjects: - The Structure and Affinities of Solenogastres, Notes on Caudina.
There will be a business meeting of the St. Paul's Society on Wednesday evening. May 24, at 7 p. m. in Grays 17. Report of Course Committee will be made and other business transacted. This will be the last meeting of the year.
Secretary.E. H. S. ASSOC. - There will be a meeting of the E. H. S. Assoc. at Holworthy 17 on Thursday, May 25 at 7.30 o'clock. All members are requested to be present.
A. E. GREEN, Sec.77t3
HARVARD Mandolin Club. Regular rehearsal a 6.30 p. m.
FRESHMAN NINE. - Be on Jarvis at 3.30 p.m. sharp. To-day.
J. J. HAYES, Jr.SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHS. - The following seniors who have no sat for their pictures yet are urged to do so at once: Bailey, Baxter, Blake G. B., Broughton, Brown P. T., Brice, Burrows Burditte, Carr, Clagstone, Cochrane, Connolly. Cushing, Deahl, Dibblee, Dunn, Emmett, Ellsworth, Fay A. C., Fay H. G., Flower, French. Folsom, Frantz, Griswold, Grant, Guerin, Hall S. P. Hamblin, Heard, Hickey, Hughes, Hunt, Highlands, Jose, Kelton, Kent H. F., Keyes, Littlefield, Livingston, Lucas, Luce, Mendel, Moody W. V. S., Myer, Nichols H. G., Nichols M. C., Nichols W. C., Ninde, Ordway, Peterson, Porter C. H., Perkins, Roberts, Schrader, Shaw H. G. Sibley, Stearns F. St. J., Steans W. B., Stetson, Stubbs, Townsend, Turner, William C. E., Williams F. J., Wrenn E.
THE annual field day of the W. O. C. is Tuesday. May 23. Tale 2 o'clock car for Newton.
Per Order Secretary.H. B. - Meeting tonight at 7.3 in Secretary's room.
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CLASS DAY, JUNE 23, 1876.