The following are taken from the Herald:
King of the Princetons and Stearns of the Amhersts are the two finest college second basemen in the business.
Harvard's strongest outfield would be Mason, Hallowell and Corbett.
The track athletic management at Princeton has offered to give 'varsity sweaters to members of the team who score points at the intercollegiate games. This is the first time this has been done.
The base-ball games on Saturday resulted as follows: Yale 5, Princeton 1; Cornell 8, University of Michigan 2; Holy Cross 14, Brown 6; Andover 11, Boston College 2; Exeter 4, Portsmouth A. C. O.
The Commencement number of the Yale News will be a special eight-page edition, containing a complete account of commencement week: the Harvard-Yale baseball game, the boat race, alumni reunions, commencement exercises, new dormitories, etc. It is to be published on Friday, June 30, immediately after the boat race.
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