
Wendell Phillips Club Election.

The Wendell Phillips Club held its last meeting for the year 1892-93 in University 16. last evening. The Secretary reported a membership of 45. The following officers were elected to serve for the first half of the college year 1893-94: President, F. C. Thwaits, '93; vice-president, W. R. Buckminster, 94; secretary, E. A. Perkins, '94: treasurer, L. C. Renfro, '95; executive committee - the president and vice-president, and G. A. Koren '95, W. B. Wolffe 95, W. S. Youngman '45; membership committee - the secretary and E. J. Dewire, Sp., and J. W. Cooke '95.

Members who have not yet obtained their shingles may get them of the President.
