TO-MORROW will be preached the last sermon in the course before the St. Paul's Society, in Christ Church, by the Rev. Dr. Satterlee, of Calvary Church, New York. Dr. Satterlee is a very popular preacher, and is one of the most able clergymen in New York. He was a candidate for Bishop of Massachusetts at the time when Phillips Brooks was elected. It is certainly worth any man's while to hear him.
Now that the course has come to its close, we congratulate the St. Paul's Society most heartily on its success. The Society has given the students an opportunity to hear the best preachers of New York and New England, and to judge from the invariably large attendance at the sermons, the college has appreciated the chance. It is to be hoped that the Society will continue its good work in the future, and make its influence even more strongly felt here than it is at present.
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