
Fact and Rumor.

Carter has struck out 122 men this season.

Princeton is to have a psychological laboratory.

The alumni of St. Paul's School will hold a reunion at the World's Fair on Wednesday, July 19.

Dr. Fisher of Yale has invented a mathematical machine to illustrate the theory of supply and demand.

The report of the Mask and Wig Club at the University of Pennsylvania gives the receipts of the season as $21,000.


Miss Margarita Palmer, assistant at the Yale Observatory, has been called to fill the same position at Vassar college.

All the seats on the grand stand have been sold for the Yale-Princeton game, and twenty-five of the forty carriage positions.

The University of Pennsylvania will soon begin the erection of her twenty - seventh building. It will be a chemical laboratory.

The Colorado Legislature has endowed the State University with a perpetual tax of one cent on the $100 assessed valuation of the state.

A number of the Yale alumni of Chicago are making arrangements for the entertainment of visiting alumni at the World's Fair.

The engineering society of Lehigh has decided to offer prizes for treatises which may be written during the coming summer and autumn.

The University of Michigan base-ball team is playing under league rules, with the pitcher five feet further back than in the Eastern colleges.

The two-mile bicycle record was broken last Saturday by Osgood, of the University of Pennsylvania, who rode the distance in 5 minutes 28 seconds.

The arrangements for the gun club shoot to be held at Cambridge between Yale, Harvard, Princeton, and University of Pennsylvania are now complete.
