The Spring concert of the Musical Clubs which took place last evening in Sanders Theatre was a very creditable performance. The Glee Club was at its best and its singing can compare most favorable with any past year, for seldom before has it sung with such good artistic finish and careful phrasing. It is pleasant to find among its songs a few of the old favorites which we seldom hear now and which are decidedly worth keeping up. The solo by D. C. Greene was very pleasing; his voice is clear and sympathetic and he sang with good taste. J. A. Wilder received his usual ovation and was forced to respond to many encores before the audience was satisfied.
The Pierian Sodality was very wise in its choice of music. None of the pieces were too much beyond his ability. The Grieg selection for strings is a difficult movement for amateur performers, but it was played with a firmness and precision that did not mar its delicacy and well won it an encore. The Dvorak polka was played with good phrasing and finish. In all its selections the Pierian was very successful and played them in a fasihon that shows the result of careful and conscientious training.
The Mandolin and Banjo clubs played with their usual success, although the latter, owing perhaps to the new material was not at its best. The selections of both clubs, however, were played with care and well merited their encores.
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