The athletic team at Yale received their suits last week.
Cornell University will celebrate its twenty fifth anniversary next October.
Three Princeton men have received appointments as guides at the World's Fair.
The University of Michigan nine won six straight victories on us southern trip.
In the Mott Haven games Harvard has entered 78 men, Yale 83, Princeton 59, and Columbia 56.
A. P. Stokes '96, of New York, has been elected fence orator by the freshman class at Yale.
Eighteen candidates took the West Point examinations at Phillips Andover last Wednesday.
The Tennis Tournament for the Princeton College Championship will commence on Tuesday, May 23rd.
Efforts are being made to form a football and base-ball league between Rutgers, Stevens Institute, Lehigh and Lafayette.
The trustees of the University of Chicago have requested the professors and undergraduates of that institution to wear the cap and gown on all public occasions.
C. M. Flandrau, '95, has won the prize offered by the New York publication "Short Stories" for the best story of American college life. The competition was open to members of all the colleges.
The Yale Prohibition Club, in a competitive debate, chose M. H. Kerr to represent Yale in a debate on the liquor question which will be participated in next fall, in New York, by representatives of the colleges of Connecticut, New Jersey and Rhode Island.
Princeton's best entries in the track events at the Mott Haven games are, McNulty, Swain and Wilson in the sprints; McCampbell and Brokaw in the quarter; Turner in the half; Woodbridge in the mile-run; Borcherling in the mile-walk; and Hall, Beveridge and Taylor in the weights.
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The Harvard Nine.